Last Minute Gift Ideas

What about Bob?
Bobby Brady, that is.
If you love Scrabble and The Brady Bunch, then this hand-made mosaic belongs in your home.  I’ve seen it twice, displayed at arts events and it is clever and unique.  It’s waiting, I know, for just the  right person: it has to be someone who is passionate about Scrabble, who grew up with the Bradys and who appreciates art.  This is a conversation piece, whimsical and beautifully set.  If I was the artist, I wouldn’t sell it to just anyone. It’s far too unique to go to someone who didn’t fully understand the piece.  Have a look, and if you’re interested, I’ll make contact with the artist for you. (No, it’s certainly not me.  I could never create something so artful and amusing.  If only…
I did, however, create these:
And wouldn’t they make a great stocking stuffer!
Merry Christmas, y’all.


  1. Alyson & Ford says:

    Merry Christmas! Your shopping must be all done!

    Alyzabeth's Mommy

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