The Blue Angels Arrive in Jacksonville Beach

I made it to the oceanfront in Jacksonville Beach this afternoon in time for the Blue Angels’ practice show despite various “roadblocks” that could have derailed my plans at the last minute.
The weather was perfect. The vendors were in the final stages of setting up for tomorrow and Sunday’s big show days. Lots of spectators were out for today’s performance; everyone was in a great mood.
I was happy with the pictures I got, so I’ll leave you with those. Nothing can compare with seeing them perform those precision maneuvers practically in front of your eyes or just overhead.

I’ll be back tomorrow with just a few more shots, and video clips. The ambiance at the Sea and Sky Spectacular is…well, spectacular! Our beaches really know how to bring it.


  1. Karen says:

    How awesome!!!!…

  2. Sink says:

    So cool! And great pictures, Jeannie.

  3. Fearless Nester says:

    You done good…that must have been thrilling!

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