Wrapping Up A Sunday

By the time I headed out on my  bike for a short look-see at what was going on in my neighborhood, it was already six o’clock on a Sunday evening.
This time of day on this particular day of the week has always made me feel just a little wistful for as far back as I can remember.
And seeing people coming off the beach,  arms full of a day-at-the-beach paraphernalia for the trip home, or just on their bikes or walking but clearly leaving evoked that same familiar yearning tonight, as I paused for a few moments and watched the people wrapping up their Sunday.  I’m sure it’s not unique to me but I wonder why after all these years, it can still creep up on me, even if just a tinge, during that subtle transitional time of day when a Sunday afternoon becomes Sunday evening. 

The weather was warm but without the blanket of humidity that will come, with a nice sea breeze.  The light, though still strong as we are approaching summer, was changing.  It was the sun moving westerly as the people were packing it in, in the mild beachlife Spring evening that was redolent of school nights long ago, when I’d had to, finally let go of Sunday and accept the impending week to come.
The feeling that went along with all that was visceral and took me by surprise tonight.  Even the beach, my  beach, gave me that longing-for kind of mood.
So I breathed in that familiar and comforting blend of salt air and marine life, and pedaled home.


  1. Mickey Johnson says:

    …beautiful. i am usually one of those packing up…so wishing i was there…xo, mickey

  2. Sink says:

    Ahhh, I can smell the salt air. I am ready for summer. Cold and rainy here in the northeast. The mulch pile is sitting, getting wetter and heavier, waiting for us to spread it thinly.
    Thanks for giving me a little piece of summer already.

  3. Mickey Johnson says:

    …jeannie; thanks for stopping by. yes, i love my nikon…a bit intimidating and i will probably never get another present for the rest of 5 years, but i’m starting to figure it out. i am from…for now…texas, chappell hill to be exact and i adore the beach…pretty much any beach. i have my favorites, but i’ll take any rather than none, and i do intend to return to one as soon as i can! please do stay connected! i think we’re kindred spirits! xo, mickey

  4. Debra W says:

    I really understand the feelings that you describe here! I can tell that you are another kindred spirit who calls the beach home. Your words are beautiful and I really enjoyed reading this post.


  5. redthread says:

    I can smell the salty air and wish I was at the beach. I will miss it this year.

    You make it real Jeannie.

  6. Something Happened Somewhere Turning says:

    Lovely post. I am a friend of Debra W up there ^. I read your comment and wanted to read the post you talked about.

  7. ...love Maegan says:

    oh man I so want to live by the beach~!

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