Bonus Day

Memorial Day Weekend Monday.

A bonus day. It was a perfect day on the beach.  Blue skies.  Sunshine.  Sea breeze.  Low humidity.  

This is my bliss:

and this is theirs:

Swimming is great too but the beach is the best place to read.

So ends Memorial Day 2009.  A salute and a thank you to our veterans, and those who gave their lives for our freedom.


  1. I'm Julia says:

    What a wonderful way to spend the day 🙂 I love the Atlantic.

  2. Rosie says:

    Beautiful day! How do you decide what to protect during a hurricane? Do you have all your photos in watertight containers? Do you have them all backed up and located somewhere safe? I have always wondered how one would decide to protect your precious belongings.

  3. Debra W says:

    You are so right! A day at the beach is absolutely perfect! What are you reading?


  4. Karen says:

    I’m your newest follower… you’re living one of my dreams!! So if you don’t mind, I’ll sort of live it through your blog until I can find my little Florida haven. For now, it’s still those grey New England winters. Atleast we have more good hair days up here 🙂 There’s always that.

  5. Jeannie says:

    hi rosie & debra!

    Rosie, i am a poor planner with regard to hurricanes. I have a general idea as to where the pictures are located in the house, along with the other must-take items in the event of an actual evacuation. Once we were close to thinking we'd have to go so we got some large and heavy 'contractor' plastic bags thinking we'd wrap everything we couldn't take with us, in those. I was so overwhelmed with the notion of evacuation; i haven't been as frightened of anything, ever, as the idea of a hurricane barreling toward me. I'd take as much as I can and judging on what I tend to take with me on vacation, that would be a lot. A problem would be: where to go? We have no family or friends here that we could flee to. So I am hoping again that it's a calm year in the Atlantic basin. Hurricane season starts June 1 and goes til Nov. 30. The most worrisome months are August and September.

    Debra, I am reading The Poisonwood Bible, at last. It's very good.

    Karen, hi & welcome! Julia too. I hope this will always be an interesting place to visit! I love reading about where other people live, etc.


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