She’s still hard at work with the macro lens. It’s what draws her: if she has extra time, it’s on with the macro lens and outside she goes. She’s drawn to nature and has learned, perhaps stupidly, as she ought to have realized that nature moves, and therefore it’s harder to photograph. She needs a low-to-the-ground tripod.
She also needs new venues. How many times can she photograph that Agapanthus, anyway? Well, she’s certainly documented its journey, from bud to seed, and after today, she probably won’t bore you with any more shots of that plant until it begins to grow next spring.
The Agapanthus, fading.
Her pretty Pumpkin, a Calico, has the loveliest coat. She’s very difficult to photograph but she came up and stood right beside her when she was composing the shot: the acorn. She loves that Pumpkin “ruined” the shot!
Perfect example of why she needs a low-to-ground tripod. Still, she loves this shot.
Redundant, she knows.
Redundancy, redux. But the focal point is different!
A mushroom in her favorite color. Including her nail polish. Ask anyone.
Had enough? So has she, so now she’ll wash her hands of this post. But if a certain photo catches your interest, she hopes you’ll click it to enlarge. Macro photography is best appreciated in its largest rendition.
Scouting for better locations and more interesting subjects, this mediocre photographer isn’t giving up. You’ll see. Some day.
The end.