Their Blue Springs

Thank goodness there’s consensus in the family: it’s Blue Springs for everyone. Some family members are more…excitable about springs than others, with a fifth member who shall go unnamed flatly disinterested. He drove the springs-obsessed matriarch and children to various springs in the Ocala National Forest regions a few weeks ago. He carried the cooler, chairs, and towels. He sat, unimpressed by the emerald-colored waters and waited while they frolicked in one spring after the other. He was positively dour about not being anywhere near a televsion when Notre Dame was scheduled to kick off its inaugural game of the 2009 college football season. But wait! He didn’t have to miss that game after all because, yes, indeed, there’s an app for that. Notre Dame paired with NBC and created an app for iPhone that shows their 8 home games in real time. Crisis averted at Rainbow Springs on Labor Day Weekend.

Lately, only the true enthusiasts among us have been stretching our summer fun into these September weekends, and our destination is unanimous: it’s Blue Springs for everyone. A couple of days ago we learned that flag football had a rare Saturday off its schedule, so do you want to guess where most of us will be?

I’ve already described my Blue Springs experience, so I’ll leave you with images of theirs.


  1. Drawn to The Sea says:

    cool, crisp, refreshing blue
    I'm hearing Crystal Blue Persuasion


  2. Fearless Nester says:

    This is such a pretty place. I can clearly see why you're so taken with it! Great family memories you're making too!

  3. Jane says:

    I loved reading all your posts about our fabulous Florida springs. Like you, I truly enjoy the natural waters and landscape. The only time I did not enjoy a visit was at Rainbow River…tubing the LONG path…when a massive thunderstorm popped up and lightning was flashing all around us. We had no place to take cover and had to continue down the river…It was SCARY!But it has not stopped me from returning…
    Jane (Artfully Graced)

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