Are you (Wo)Man Enough To Read This Book?

Here’s the deal:

Join the Facebook Group for Infinite Summer.  You know you want to read this.  You’ve been intrigued by it for a long time.  Perhaps you’ve even brought it home from the library and read a hundred or so pages   (ahem) and decided that you don’t have time to do this right now?  

Well, here’s your chance and I’m dead serious.

The reading group will begin on the first day of summer and will take the entire season to finish it.  So it’s not like the book will eat you alive, or you won’t be able to read anything else all summer, or any other excuse you can conjure to prevent you from attacking this behemoth novel. 

It’s a commitment of a mere 75 pages a week. The discussion will be posted online weekly.  It would be so fun if we join together with friends and get this thing read, already!

It’s really brilliantly written.  Yes, I have read those first one hundred pages and I didn’t abandon it because it wasn’t good.  I put it down because I felt overwhelmed by the enormity of it and I’m not necessarily referring to the number of pages.   I was in awe of his writing.  Every sentence was like a literary feast to me.  Every page was enormous in that it contained thoughts and moods and emotions that were so labile I could barely process it myself.  

But there’s no denying it’s brilliant in its way.  And I think I can do it, broken down like this in a manageable way. I want to do it.   And it would be so much fun to do it with friends.  No?

You’ll probably have to buy the book since I don’t know of any library that makes three-month loans.  I took the leap this morning and my copy is staring at you at the top of this page.  

Daring you to join me…

So. Who’s in?


  1. Sink says:

    I'm reading up to see if I want to commit to the read…I have a list of summer books to read. The hammock is calling me…
    I put a link to yours from mine…hope you got some traffic.

  2. Sink says:

    I bought "This is Water" for a couple of graduation gifts. I read it first. Very good.

  3. Mickey Johnson says:

    …i hate to admit it, but as much as i love to read, i haven't read an entire book in quite a while! sad, but true. it seems when i have any free time anymore, i am creating…which i do enjoy, but still not reading. i took the boys to the pool today and no we did not join the cc…we have friends who have donated theirs to us…anyway, i did take a book along, but you know what i did? i jumped in and swam around with my two hooligans! i might have to learn about this book through your posts, so keep me updated! xo, mickey

  4. Lynda says:

    He was a graduate of my department–Wallace. I'll give your challenge a whirl. But I'm not so sure I can stop at 75 pp a time. I'm kind of a compulsive reader.

    And if it bores me, I don't finish.

    Just so ya know. 🙂


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