An absolutely lovely day was capped off with practically the whole neighborhood gathering beachside at 7:43pm to cheer on Space Shuttle Discovery. All these years and it’s still a thrill to watch that master of the universe come hurtling up from Cape Canaveral into the twilight sky. Followed NASA on Twitter all day to ensure we were there at lift off or to see whether it had been scrubbed as is often the case. But off it went, right on schedule.
It was the clearest launch I’ve seen yet. The rocket and its trail were so clearly visible, and when it separated from the booster engines it traveled on its northerly path for all to see, in wonder and awe.
Afterwards the neighbors all trouped home in the just-dark night, thrilling to each other the wonder of what we’d just witnessed.
These images were captured with lil ‘ol iPhone.
I’m always so envious that you live so close to the beach.
Great pictures! I wish I was there! Next NC gathering should be in FL.
Hey, J! I had a post of the day at authorblog! I didn’t know that I would ever care if anyone read my stuff! Fun, huh?
I was wondering which post made the paper! Congrats! Is there a link to the story?
Wow nice pictures that I didn’t see in person so I’m glad you took them.